LEGO STEAM Camp registration is not open yet
The Little Sparks camp has been a huge success in the past but with an effort to promote social distancing, and safety, we have been forced to reduce the number of students invited to participate.
Check back the end of May to see if registration is open. If you have questions, drop us a line at the bottom of the page!
Previous Camp Activities
LEGO Robotics
Science Experiments
Engineering Challenges
3-D Printing
Computer Programming
Unique Art Projects
And much more…
For the past three years, South Jersey Robotics team Velocity, STEAMworks, and the United Advocacy Group heaved teamed up to offer the Little Spark Technology Camp, a hands-on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) camp, exposes students, grades 3rd – 8th, to cutting edge technologies such as robotics, computer programming, and chemistry while developing their ability to think critically and become problem solvers.

2021 Little Sparks Technology Camp Outcomes:
- 41 students participated in 20 hours of hands-on education
- Students operated and programmed a robot, learned to program and participated in multiple experiments
- Students worked on a team to solve real-life problems
- Students who are exposed to science and math are four times more likely to pursue a career in engineering
Our children are the most important asset we have in our community. Unfortunately, Southern New Jersey students are falling behind in high-tech education when we compare them to the rest of the State. Their education is vital to building a vibrant and thriving society and economy. Help us change this statistic by signing up today for Little Sparks Technology Camp.

Contact Us!
If you would like more information or have any additional questions, please use the form to contact us and we will reply to you shortly.

The Little Sparks Technology Camp is presented by Velocity, FIRST Robotics Challenge team 5420 in partnership with South Jersey Robotics.